One Important Thing

Before the writing begins. Before research is conducted. Before anything – the one thing we always ask ourselves and our clients is, “what’s the objective?” Being clear on the outcome you want before diving into whatever you plan on doing, immediately helps you improve the quality of the work and elevate the result of your efforts.

The value of defining what success looks like also creates a better and more efficient working culture. The team, whether it’s just two people or 200, all know what they are aiming for. It’s like that proverbial all oars in the water, moving in the same direction. And if those waters get choppy or a storm disrupts the plan, you can always go back to your map, your objective, and set that clear direction. It helps remove distractions and there are fewer rabbit holes to explore.

And, if you want to take it to the next level, throw in some metrics. Don’t just describe the goal, state it in a way that can be quantified. How much? By when? By whom? Now you have the makings of real plan. You will know as you move along if you are on track or not by removing the guess work and not just hope you are getting there. Because remember, hope is not a strategy.

It’s so simple yet so powerful. Just pause before you begin and ask yourself that one thing.

The purpose of this? To provide you with some valuable insight that will help make what you do more powerful.


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