Don’t be tone-deaf with your messaging
Lately, many of our clients are asking us to review or update their messaging. What you are saying now may not be as appropriate or relevant as it was, from even a few weeks ago.
Every company should regularly rethink what they are saying.
There’s always a new product or service. Your customers are always changing as are your competitors. Though now, it needs to happen on a more frequent basis.
It started with the outbreak of the virus. Norwegian Cruise Line for example, pulled their ad depicting families enjoying their cruise which included the tagline “Feel Free,” which didn’t translate well while hundreds of passengers were stuck on cruise ships. Companies are now similarly taking a hard look at the impact of their words as they reflect on the social unrest from the Black lives matter movement.
Far too many companies have shown to be tone-deaf – don’t be one of them.
Words and images matter - and if what you are communicating is not in alignment with your actions, mission and values, your audience will know. Be authentic to your brand. If not; the world will know. Consider this an opportunity to retell your story. It’s not a reason to pull back and wait for things to get back to normal. This is our new reality and there will be without a doubt a new challenge and a new normal right around the corner.